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Used to in a sentence

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Sentence count:226+69 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-17Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: used towont toSimilar words: be used tolead toafford toattend toopposedbased onthe accusedincreasedMeaning: adj. in the habit. 
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61. He used to be very overweight.
62. She used to hide her diary under her pillow.
63. I used to wear a brace.
64. A man used to vicissitudes is not easily dejected.
65. I used to play here as a boy.
66. He used to edit the China Daily.
67. Chlorine is widely used to kill germs.
68. The Romans used to deify their emperors.
69. The money will be used to repair faulty equipment.
70. Are you used to life in Japan?
71. People used to believe that dirt spontaneously generated disease.
72. A dynamo is used to generate electricity.
73. She used to live in Glasgow.
74. Life is not fair,( to.html) get used to it.
75. People used to think the earth was flat.
76. We used to live in London.
77. We used to have bacon and eggs for breakfast.
78. He is used to dine off steak and salad.
79. He is used to being recognized in the street.
80. Mother used to spin her own yarn.
81. His grandfather used to be a land lord.
82. He used to box every weekend.
83. My parents never used to hit me.
84. Steel cable will be used to replace worn ropes.
85. Agriculture used to be the economic backbone of this country.
86. When he joined in the boxing I used to second him.
87. for two pins used to say that you would like to do sth, even though you know that it would not be sensible: I'd kill him for two pins.
88. The teacher used to beguile her pupils with fairy tales.
89. My car's not as reliable as it used to be.
90. The villagers used to pound the grain into flour by hand.
More similar words: be used tolead toafford toattend toopposedbased onthe accusedincreasedclose downproposedin regard tobe afraid tosupposedlydepressedlook forward towith regard toembarrassed
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